2nd- 4th Metatarsal
Metatarsals are the five long bones in the metatarsus connected to the toes. Pain in this region may be related to wearing high heels or intense physical activities, including high-impact sports, jogging, and jumping.
According to the “Metatarsalgia” study, pressure overload on the metatarsal bones’ heads is the main reason for pain in this foot area. The use of high heels or the excessive practice of intense physical activities, including jumping and high-impact activities, are the most common causes of these bone overloads. Also, overweight people or those working on their feet for many hours tend to have more pain in the forefoot.
Soccer players often suffer strong impacts in the metatarsals’ area; falling objects in this region can also cause trauma. As simple as they may seem, these accidents can lead to injuries or bone fractures and must be treated carefully.
Inadequate shoes
Wearing high-heeled, stiff, tight shoes for several hours puts excessive strain on feet, favoring the emergence of metatarsal pain. In addition, these types of shoes change the body’s biomechanics, repositioning its weight forward onto the ball of the foot.
Women are much more affected by this type of discomfort precisely because they wear high heels quite often.
Morton’s neuroma
Common between the third and fourth metatarsals, it is a pathology associated with the thickening of a nerve. As a result, individuals with Morton’s Neuroma feel like they are walking on balls.
Morton’s neuroma
Calluses are the body’s natural responses to pressure and friction in some body regions. They are frequent in people who wear rigid shoes and high heels.
Metatarsalgia is an inflammation of the metatarsal heads caused by an excessive overload of these bones. It is common in women who frequently wear high heels.
Pes cavus and flat feet
Pes cavus and flat feet are common anatomical differences that affect the foot arch angle. The plantar arch is flat in flat feet, while in pes cavus, the arch is significantly higher than average. Because of this, the load that should be shared with the toes is allocated to the metatarsals.
Freiberg disease
Freiberg disease usually affects the second metatarsal head cartilage in teenagers. It generates localized swelling and pain.
Hammer and Claw Toes
These deformities cause greater toe stiffness when walking, putting excessive pressure on the metatarsal head and contributing to calluses growth or inflammation.
Arthrosis is joint cartilage degeneration, leading to stiffness, redness, and toe pain. As a progressive pathology, it must be treated from the first signs of cartilage damage.
The 2nd to 4th metatarsal pain causes are multifactorial, and treatments vary according to each case. Only a medical specialist will be able to make specific recommendations for the individual condition of the patients. However, steps can be taken to ease discomfort, such as:
– Losing excess weight to reduce overload on the metatarsals.
– Decreasing the intensity and load of physical exercises.
– Icing the affected areas for 15 or 20 minutes at a time to relieve pain.
– Avoid wearing high heels and tight shoes.
– Using Feet Without Pain insoles.
Feet Without Pain custom-made insoles help redistribute pressure applied on the 2nd to 4th metatarsals, decreasing the overload of pressure in this area and, thus, easing the pain. Additionally, our products designed for this ailment have an elevation precisely positioned in front of the pain area.
Feet Without Pain traditional custom insole
Feet Without Pain custom-made shoes are manufactured to your specifications considering the width and circumference of the metatarsals. The result is a perfect fit, with no excessive compression for those with wide feet and without being too loose.
In addition, custom-made shoes can have one of our 3D-printed soles, guaranteeing excellent impact cushioning and good support.
The custom insoles and shoes are made with 3D technology and millimetric digital precision after a free foot, ankle, and knee evaluation with our specialists at one of our branch offices. Check some of their benefits for your feet below:
- Elimination or reduction of pain;
- Injury prevention;
- Increased comfort;
- Perfect fit;
- Standing longer without pain or discomfort;
- Prevention of pathologies progression;
- Improved impact absorption;
- Improved sports performance.
How to purchase your custom shoe or insole?
It’s fast and easy! Schedule a free evaluation of your feet with our specialists to buy your custom-made shoe.
Call, send a message to WhatsApp at 4003-8883, or visit: www.pessemdor.com.br/agendamento.
How does the evaluation work?
Upon arriving at a Feet Without Pain branch office, you will be received by a foot, ankle, and knee specialist, who will then fill out a registration form and ask some questions about your pain. Next, the assessment of the feet begins.
The specialist will perform an examination of your feet to understand your foot pains and complaints. Then, using the high-precision 3D scanner device, the specialist captures your feet’ measurements.
We are the only company with a 3D scanner for designing custom shoes. First, with the measurements of your feet, a mold is created using 3D printers, and after that, we start making your shoe.
How long does it take for the shoes and insoles to be ready?
Feet Without Pain produces custom-made shoes in up to 3 days; then, they are sent to your home free of charge!
Is the evaluation free?
Our assessment is completely free! We perform a complete analysis of your feet and legs, and you pay nothing for it!
Do we accept medical insurance?
We do not work with insurance because our assessment is completely free! But you can check if your plan somehow refunds you regarding the shoes!
1) Morton’s Neuroma | Foot Education
2) Foot Condition: Metatarsalgia | Foot.com
3) Toes Fractures | Clinic and Surgery of the Feet and Ankles