Morton’s Toe


Morton’s toe is a foot variant characterized by the second toe being the longest. It is related to the Greek type of foot. According to the survey “Brazilian Feet”, which surveyed 26,339 people in 2012 (by Feet Without Pain), 32.8% of the population have Morton’s Finger. Morton’s finger has no specific cause or prevention, as it is an anatomical and hereditary condition. According to VeryWell Fit, Morton’s finger is a common variation in 10% to 20% of the population. Having Morton’s toe can lead to foot pain and the need to find shoes that fit better.


Morton’s finger itself does not cause pain or problems to the person, but several pathologies may be associated with the anomaly, such as:


Morton’s neuroma;

– Stress fracture of the metatarsals;

Plantar fasciitis;


– Finger deformities such as hammer toes and claw toes.


There is no specific treatment for Morton’s finger, only for the resulting pathologies, mainly because they are not necessarily in a direct relationship. However, a specialized physiotherapist can help improve symptoms, indicating specific exercises for the feet.

Dedo de Morton
Morton’s Toe


The best way to redistribute pressure in this region is by using custom-made insoles. Feet Without Pain insoles redistribute the pressure under the metatarsals, relieving the area. In addition, they promote support for the foot’s transverse arch, increasing the space between the bones, improving support on the metatarsal heads, and eliminating pain.

Custom-made shoes are made precisely to your foot’s width, circumference, and length measurements. Therefore, it perfectly accommodates Morton’s finger and the metatarsal width.

Palmilhas tradicional sob medida Pés Sem Dor

Feet Without Pain traditional custom insole

The custom insoles and shoes are made with 3D technology and millimetric digital precision after a free foot, ankle, and knee evaluation with our specialists at one of our branch offices. Check some of their benefits for your feet below:

  • Elimination or reduction of pain;
  • Injury prevention;
  • Increased comfort;
  • Perfect fit;
  • Standing longer without pain or discomfort;
  • Prevention of pathologies progression;
  • Improved impact absorption;
  • Improved sports performance.
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Feet Without Pain Casual Sneakers Funny   | You can choose from over 20 men’s and women’s shoe models.


Imagem ilustrativa com pessoas se fazendo perguntas,

How to purchase your custom shoe or insole?

It’s fast and easy! Schedule a free evaluation of your feet with our specialists to buy your custom-made shoe. 

Call, send a message to WhatsApp at 4003-8883, or visit:


How does the evaluation work?

Upon arriving at a Feet Without Pain branch office, you will be received by a foot, ankle, and knee specialist, who will then fill out a registration form and ask some questions about your pain. Next, the assessment of the feet begins.

The specialist will examine your feet to understand your foot pains and complaints. Then, using the high-precision 3D scanner device, the specialist captures your feet’ measurements.

  We are the only company with a 3D scanner for designing custom shoes. First, with the measurements of your feet, a mold is created using 3D printers, and after that, we start making your shoe.

How long does it take for the shoes and insoles to be ready?

Feet Without Pain produces custom-made shoes in up to 3 days; then, they are sent to your home free of charge!

Is the evaluation free?

Our assessment is completely free! We perform a complete analysis of your feet and legs, and you pay nothing for it!

Do we accept medical insurance?

We do not work with insurance because our assessment is completely free! But you can check if your plan somehow refunds you regarding the shoes!



1) Morton’s Toe? | Foot

2) Morton’s Toe | Mortons’s Toe

3) How to Deal With Morton’s Toe | WikiHow

4) Pesquisa Os Pés Brasileiros | Pés Sem Dor

Mateus Martinez
Mateus Martinez
es Máster en Fisioterapia deportiva por la Universidad de Queensland – Australia. Fisioterapeuta graduado en la Universidad de São Paulo (USP). Es Director de Fisioterapia en Pies Sin Dolor, imparte cursos en el Grupo Terapia Manual y le gusta correr. Profesional con registro en el CREFITO: 162983-F
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