Low Back Pain


Low back pain is the most frequent type of back pain and is the second leading cause of doctor visits. The “Low back pain” study estimated that approximately 80% of the adult world population has or will have it at least once, which causes discomfort in the lower part of the spine (near the pelvis) and can radiate through the legs. However, this type of pain is not severe in most cases, and the symptoms usually disappear within a few days.

The lumbar region is essential for the spine since it is the torso’s main support point and sustains most body weight, helping with body movement. It consists of five vertebrae, ligaments, intervertebral discs, and muscles located in the lower spine region, being one of the most common sources of pain in the adult population.

Low back pain is one of the leading causes of sick leave and generates significant annual expenses for social security. Its causes are multifactorial; that is, several factors can interfere with or be the cause of low back pain. Numbness or tingling in the legs is one of the symptoms associated with this type of pain.

Dor lombar
Pain region.


Low back pain can be divided into two types:

1) Acute: isolated episodes of severe and sudden pain, more common among young people after physical activity;

2) Chronic: recurrent pain, but with lower intensity and more frequent in elderly individuals.


The leading causes of low back pain are associated with postural errors, such as:

– Obesity, as the spine is overloaded with excess weight making it more challenging to support the body.

– Sedentarism: the spine stability depends a lot on the musculature, and the lack of physical exercises makes it untrained and weak, causing lumbar pain;

– Sitting incorrectly for long periods;

– Sleeping badly;

– Practicing physical exercises without professional guidance to correct posture errors;

– Carrying objects the wrong way.

Meanwhile, other factors such as infections, disc hernia, arthrosis, or limb discrepancy can also overload the muscles and structures, causing pain.

Limb discrepancy is when the individual has one leg longer than the other and, in most cases, has no symptoms or complications. However, some studies have shown that a difference of 0.5 cm or more can cause pain or difficulties in carrying out day-to-day activities. It occurs predominantly in people who practice physical exercises, overloading some body regions, especially the knees and the low back.

Limbs of different sizes


This discomfort is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, with a feeling of a “prick in the back” and muscle burning, which can leave the affected area numb and sensitive to touch for a few days.


Nowadays, we know that a sedentary lifestyle dramatically influences low back pain, so the best treatment is based on specific exercises for the spine, trunk, and abdomen, always with a specialized professional.

Rest is only recommended in acute low back pain crises, for a maximum of a few days and a quick return to daily life activities, always seeking specialized care to perform the exercises that will help to avoid the next crisis.

Medical follow-up can help in these cases, as he will prescribe painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications to reduce muscle stiffness and eliminate pain, in addition to checking any changes in the exams causing discomfort in the area.

It is essential to remain physically active, and it is crucial to correct posture errors to avoid low back pain. Low back pain can come from a difference in limbs, and if detected, the best way to treat this type of discomfort is to compensate for this difference using an orthopedic insole. Some signs that may indicate the difference in leg length are: stepping on the pants bar on just one side, walking with a limp, and having a very asymmetric footstep.

The diagnosis of limb discrepancy can be made using a hip-level device. It comes with compensation plates graduated in millimeters to indicate the level of disparity between the patient’s legs. Then, the specialist can prescribe the insole when the indicator is at a specific height to compensate for the difference.


Feet Without Pain custom insoles and shoes are essential to correct the limb discrepancy that may be causing low back pain, reducing the overload in the region.

The custom insoles and shoes are made with 3D technology and millimetric digital precision after a free foot, ankle, and knee evaluation with our specialists at one of our branch offices. Check some of their benefits for your feet below:

Palmilhas tradicional sob medida Pés Sem Dor

Feet Without Pain traditional custom insole
  • Elimination or reduction of pain;
  • Injury prevention;
  • Increased comfort;
  • Perfect fit;
  • Standing longer without pain or discomfort;
  • Prevention of pathologies progression;
  • Improved impact absorption;
  • Improved sports performance.
Tênis Casual Fly Sob Medida
Bespoke Casual Sneakers Fly| You can choose from 20 women’s and men’s shoe models.


Imagem ilustrativa com pessoas se fazendo perguntas,

How to purchase your custom shoe or insole?

It’s fast and easy! Schedule a free evaluation of your feet with our specialists to buy your custom-made shoe. 

Call, send a message to WhatsApp at 4003-8883, or visit: www.pessemdor.com.br/agendamento.

How does the evaluation work?

Upon arriving at a Feet Without Pain branch office, you will be received by a foot, ankle, and knee specialist, who will then fill out a registration form and ask some questions about your pain. Next, the assessment of the feet begins.

The specialist will examine your feet to understand your foot pains and complaints. Then, using the high-precision 3D scanner device, the specialist captures your feet’ measurements.

  We are the only company with a 3D scanner for designing custom shoes. First, with the measurements of your feet, a mold is created using 3D printers, and after that, we start making your shoe.

How long does it take for the shoes and insoles to be ready?

Feet Without Pain produces custom-made shoes in up to 3 days; then, they are sent to your home free of charge!

Is the evaluation free?

Our assessment is completely free! We perform a complete analysis of your feet and legs, and you pay nothing for it!

Do we accept medical insurance?

We do not work with insurance because our assessment is completely free! But you can check if your plan somehow refunds you regarding the shoes!


1) Low back pain | PubMed

2) Dor na lombar é cada vez mais frequente se não for tratada | UOL


Mateus Martinez
Mateus Martinez
es Máster en Fisioterapia deportiva por la Universidad de Queensland – Australia. Fisioterapeuta graduado en la Universidad de São Paulo (USP). Es Director de Fisioterapia en Pies Sin Dolor, imparte cursos en el Grupo Terapia Manual y le gusta correr. Profesional con registro en el CREFITO: 162983-F
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