Work with us

We are putting together the best team to solve people’s pain! Our professionals are among the best in their fields on the market. Feet Without Pain is a company that specializes in custom-made orthopedic insoles. We are the biggest company in the field in Brazil, with more than 90% approval from our customers. Our head office is in São Paulo, and our branch offices are spread across the country.

Open vacancies


The financial administrative department is considered the heart of the company. Its main functions are administering and controlling the company’s cash flow, doing credit analysis, accounts payable, issuing invoices, preparing the accounting closing, and controlling the company’s expenses.


Reception is a very important department of the company. Our receptionists provide excellent service. Welcoming clients, scheduling biomechanical assessments, confirming appointments, and controlling the branch office’s supplies are the main activities.


The factory is responsible for producing Painless Feet custom-made insoles entirely in 3D printers to solve our customers’ pain. We are one of the first Brazilian companies to fully use this technology. Besides the insoles production, the factory is in charge of quality control, finishings, and sending the end product directly to our customers or branches.

Public Relations Department

Our Public Relations Department team is our direct communication channel with the customers. We are available from Monday to Saturday to assist you and answer your questions. Our agents are responsible for active and receptive customer service via telephone, email, and even social media, providing solutions for the most diverse demands. Public Relations is focused on solving problems and scheduling free evaluations in our branch offices around Brazil.

  • “Sem dúvidas, depois da Pés Sem Dor, eu me tornei uma pessoa com horizontes ampliados e uma profissional melhor capacitada.”

    Tainá Cruzz Supervisora de Relacionamento da Pés Sem Dor
  • “Comecei como recepcionista, fui Coordenadora Operacional e hoje sou Gerente de Marketing. Aqui aprendi que o crescimento profissional vem de muita dedicação.”

    Patricia Porfiro Gerente de Marketing da Pés Sem Dor
  • “A Pés Sem Dor me proporcionou experiências profissionais que eu demoraria anos para conquistas em qualquer outra empresa.”

    Filipe Wagner Diretor Financeiro da Pés Sem Dor
  • “Tenho uma equipe maravilhosa, adoro o meu trabalho e agradeço a Pés Sem Dor por todas as minhas realizações profissionais!”

    Valdinéia Santos Gerente Financeira da Pés Sem Dor

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